Discover the beauty of Rwanda with our curated tours and packages. Whether you’re seeking thrilling wildlife safaris, serene nature walks, or immersive cultural experiences, our diverse offerings are designed to showcase the best of the Land of a Thousand Hills.

Volcanoes National Park

Volcanoes National Park is just a short drive from Kigali, about 2.5 hours away, and serves as a prime destination for anyone visiting Rwanda. It’s the oldest national park on the continent and a sanctuary for the endangered mountain gorilla. Here, you can join a guided trek to observe these impressive animals up close, a memorable experience limited to one special hour. The park also hosts a variety of other wildlife, including elusive golden monkeys and a colorful array of over 200 bird species. For those interested in geology and history, the Musanze Caves offer a fascinating excursion, with formations dating back over 63 million years. Nearby, the Buhanga Eco-Park provides a peaceful place to learn about the area’s rich folklore. Engaging with the local communities through cultural tours also highlights how tourism has beneficially impacted their lives, integrating visitors into the ongoing story of conservation and community in Rwanda. Exploring Volcanoes National Park not only connects you to the natural wonders of ‘The Land of a Thousand Hills’ but also to its heart and spirit.


Mountain Gorilla Trekking, Golden Monkey tracking, Hiking, Diana Fossey Tomb, Musanze Caves, Buhanga Eco Park, Community Tourism Experience, Twin lakes cycling Tours and Canoeing in the Mukungwa river.

Nyungwe Nation Park

Nyungwe National Park, located in the southwestern corner of Rwanda, is a true marvel of biodiversity and natural beauty. Just a five-hour drive from Kigali, this vast, ancient rainforest covers over 1,020 square kilometers and is one of the best-preserved montane rainforests in Central Africa. As a haven for conservation and a hotspot for ecological research, Nyungwe is home to roughly 13 primate species including chimpanzees and large troops of Rwenzori colobus monkeys, which are often seen in groups of up to 300, making for a spectacular sight. The park is also a bird watcher’s paradise, with over 300 bird species, including several Albertine Rift endemics. The lush landscape is crisscrossed with a network of hiking trails that offer adventures ranging from one-hour walks to the challenging full-day treks. A standout attraction is the Canopy Walkway, suspended 60 meters above the forest floor, which allows visitors a magnificent view of the forest’s dense canopy and its teeming wildlife from a unique vantage point. For those keen on delving deeper, Nyungwe offers guided nature walks where you can learn about the medicinal plants and the ecosystem’s intricacies. This rich tapestry of flora and fauna, coupled with the chance to witness chimpanzees and other primates in their natural habitat, makes Nyungwe National Park a compelling destination for those looking to immerse themselves in Africa’s wild heart.


Chimpanzee trek, Canopy Walk Bridge, Colobus monkey trek, Kamiranzovu Waterfall, Ndambarare Waterfall. Bird watching, Camping, Community Tourism

Lake Kivu

Nestled in the heart of Africa’s Great Rift Valley, Lake Kivu stands as one of Rwanda’s most serene natural wonders. Spanning over 2,700 square kilometers, this expansive body of water is flanked by lush, green hills and offers a tranquil retreat from Rwanda’s more adrenaline-fueled attractions. Visitors can indulge in a variety of activities: relax on sandy beaches, kayak, windsurf, or embark on scenic boat tours to explore the numerous islands. The lake’s clear, sparkling waters are perfect for a refreshing swim or a leisurely boat cruise, while the lakeside towns of Gisenyi, Kibuye, and Cyangugu provide charming resorts where one can unwind under the sun and savor fresh local fish. As evening descends, the sight of fishermen setting out in their traditional boats provides a picturesque end to a day spent on one of Africa’s great lakes.


Beach Relaxation, Kayaking, Windsurfing, Boat Tours, Swimming, Cruise Experiences, Resort Leisure, Culinary Delights, Cultural Encounters.

Kigali City

Kigali City, the heart and capital of Rwanda, is a vibrant metropolis known for its cleanliness, orderliness, and welcoming spirit. Established in 1907 as a small colonial outpost, Kigali has grown into a major urban center in East Africa, renowned for its lush hillsides, bustling markets, and contemporary art scenes. As a city that has remarkably risen from the ashes of its past, Kigali offers a unique blend of history, culture, and modernity, making it an essential stop for any traveler to Rwanda. The city is not only the political and economic hub of the country but also a symbol of Rwanda’s resilience and rapid development. Visitors can dive into a range of cultural experiences, from historical tours that provide deep insights into the nation’s turbulent history to culinary adventures in its many cafes and restaurants serving both local and international cuisine.


Genocide Memorial Visits, Art Galleries, Market Tours, Culinary Experiences, Coffee Tastings.

Akagera National Park

Akagera National Park, stretching along Rwanda’s eastern frontier with Tanzania, stands as a beacon of conservation success. Since the reintroduction of lions in 2015 and rhinos in 2017 by African Parks in collaboration with the government, Akagera has proudly reclaimed its status as a Big Five destination, making it the only savannah park in Rwanda where visitors can witness these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. The park’s diverse landscapes—from savannah to mountain to swamp—offer not only breathtaking sunrises and sunsets but also rich habitats for wildlife including elephants, buffaloes, giraffes, zebras, and antelopes, along with over 500 species of birds. For safari enthusiasts eager to explore the wild heart of Rwanda, Akagera offers a variety of unforgettable experiences. Morning game drives provide the thrilling opportunity to spot lions and other big game, while night drives reveal the elusive nocturnal creatures that roam under the cover of darkness. The papyrus swamps of the park are a birdwatcher’s paradise and a sanctuary for the rare sitatunga antelope. A boat trip on Lake Ihema is essential, offering close encounters with large pods of hippos and Nile crocodiles, and an impressive array of waterbirds. For those seeking an adventure, camping under the stars, birdwatching, and even a breathtaking helicopter ride over the park can be arranged, providing an aerial view of this magnificent landscape. Akagera is not just a trip but an exploration of the vibrant life and beauty of ‘The Land of a Thousand Hills.


Game Drive, Night game drive, Boat trip, Night Game drive, Camping, Birdwatching, Helicopter Ride.